The 100 Most Influential People in AI 2023 - TIME

The 100 Most Influential People in AI 2023 - TIME

TIME magazine recently embarked on a comprehensive quest to spotlight the pivotal figures steering the rapidly evolving AI realm. Under the vigilant guidance of executive editor Naina Bajekal, the magazine's top editors and reporters spent countless hours gathering and filtering through numerous nominations. Their mission? To highlight not only the tech moguls at AI's leading edge but also those outside the tech sphere addressing AI's ethical implications and leveraging the technology to tackle global challenges.

The diverse list spans from young visionaries like Sneha Revanur, advocating for ethical AI, to seasoned experts like Geoffrey Hinton, who's been vocal about the potential pitfalls of the technology he once championed. This carefully curated roster paints a vivid picture of the intricate relationships, rivalries, collaborations, and power dynamics shaping AI's trajectory. An additional treat for readers is an exclusive delve into Elon Musk's AI endeavors, extracted from Walter Isaacson's awaited biography of the tech magnate.

This TIME100 AI initiative offers an insightful map, revealing the human stories and ambitions driving AI's future.

The 100 Most Influential People in AI 2023
Here’s who made the 2023 TIME100 AI list of the most influential people in artificial intelligence.