IBM Halts Hiring as AI Set to Replace 7,800 Jobs - Bloomberg

IBM Halts Hiring as AI Set to Replace 7,800 Jobs - Bloomberg
Photo by Carson Masterson / Unsplash

IBM anticipates a hiring freeze for certain roles as nearly 7,800 jobs are expected to be replaced by Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the coming years, according to CEO Arvind Krishna's statement to Bloomberg News. Hiring in back-office functions such as human resources will be suspended or slowed down, with Krishna estimating that 30% of non-customer-facing roles could be replaced by AI and automation within five years.

This development comes as AI garners worldwide attention following the launch of Microsoft-backed OpenAI's popular chatbot, ChatGPT, in November last year.

IBM's workforce reduction strategy may involve not filling roles left vacant by attrition, the company informed Bloomberg.