AI Influencer List

AI Influencer List

Here is a list of the top AI influencers to follow in 2024, based on insights from various sources. These influencers are recognized for their significant contributions to the AI field, including advancements in technology, ethical considerations, and educational content. Each name is linked to their LinkedIn profile for easy access to their latest work and contributions.

  1. Reid Hoffman - Co-founder of LinkedIn. LinkedIn Profile
  2. Sam Altman - CEO of OpenAI. LinkedIn Profile
  3. Andrew Ng - Founder of DeepLearning.AI. LinkedIn Profile
  4. Bernard Marr - AI & Big Data Guru. LinkedIn Profile
  5. Allie K. Miller - AI Leader and Advisor. LinkedIn Profile
  6. Marc Andreessen - Entrepreneur and Investor. LinkedIn Profile
  7. Kevin Scott - CTO and EVP of AI at Microsoft. LinkedIn Profile
  8. Clara Shih - CEO of Salesforce AI. LinkedIn Profile
  9. Greg Brockman - Co-Founder and President of OpenAI. LinkedIn Profile
  10. Aishwarya Srinivasan - AI Advocate at Microsoft for Startups. LinkedIn Profile
  11. Fei-Fei Li - Computer Vision Pioneer. LinkedIn Profile
  12. Demis Hassabis - CEO and Co-founder of Google DeepMind. LinkedIn Profile
  13. Alexandr Wang - CEO and Founder of Scale AI. LinkedIn Profile
  14. Andy Fitze - Serial Entrepreneur and AI Influencer. LinkedIn Profile
  15. Mustafa Suleyman - CEO and Co-Founder of Inflection AI. LinkedIn Profile
  16. Kate Crawford - Researcher and Author. LinkedIn Profile
  17. Daniel Gross - Entrepreneur and Investor. LinkedIn Profile
  18. Karen Hao - AI Journalist. LinkedIn Profile
  19. Clément Delangue - CEO and Co-founder of Hugging Face. LinkedIn Profile
  20. Sandra Rivera - GM of Data Center and AI Group at Intel. LinkedIn Profile
  21. Jensen Huang - CEO and Co-Founder of Nvidia. LinkedIn Profile
  22. Lila Ibrahim - COO of DeepMind. LinkedIn Profile
  23. Albert Chun - Director of AI Operations at Invisible Technologies. LinkedIn Profile
  24. Rachel Woods - CEO of The AI Exchange. LinkedIn Profile